An Agreement to Do an Impossible Act Is Voidable at the Option of the Promisee

As a professional, it is important to understand legal terminology and its significance in the world of search engine optimization. Recently, one legal concept that has gained importance in the digital world is the statement “an agreement to do an impossible act is voidable at the option of the promisee.” In this article, we will delve into the meaning of this statement and its implications.

The statement “an agreement to do an impossible act is voidable at the option of the promisee” is a legal principle that is based on the notion that it is impossible to perform an act that is beyond human ability. In simple terms, it means that if a party agrees to perform an act that is impossible, the promise is voidable, and the other party has the option to terminate the agreement.

This legal principle applies to all types of agreements, including business contracts, employment contracts, and consumer contracts. In the digital world, this principle is particularly relevant in the context of search engine optimization contracts. SEO contracts often require a promise from the SEO professional to achieve a certain ranking for a website or a particular keyword. However, sometimes, due to the complexity of the search algorithm, it may be impossible to achieve the desired result.

If the SEO professional makes a promise that is impossible to deliver, the client can invoke this legal principle and terminate the agreement. In such cases, the SEO professional may be liable for breach of contract, and the client may be entitled to a refund of any fees paid.

It is essential to note that this legal principle is not applicable in cases where the impossibility arises due to the fault of the promisee. For example, if the client provides incorrect information or fails to cooperate with the SEO professional, making it impossible to achieve the desired result, the client cannot invoke this legal principle to terminate the agreement.

In conclusion, the legal principle that “an agreement to do an impossible act is voidable at the option of the promisee” is of utmost importance for parties entering into contracts in the digital world. As an SEO professional, it is vital to be aware of the limitations of the search algorithm and ensure that any promises made are achievable. Conversely, as a client, it is essential to understand the legal implications of such promises and invoke this legal principle if necessary to protect your interests.